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A lovely female who's currently living in Mexico with her husband and son. She has acquired a turtle and cat while in the process.
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05 August 2008

The Windy City was really a windy city last night!

Ever since we moved from Marengo, IL I've never experience such drastic weather here in the city. Last night Aaron and I went to the library to return a museum pass I got last Saturday. So we stayed there for a bit before heading home. Thank God we made it home before the storm hit. Here's another reason why I enjoying renting a basement apartment. That's the first place you need to go in case of tornado! I spent like 10 minutes trying to convince my aunt and uncle to head downstairs but they didn't. The weather was so bad I had to admit was pretty scared. I've never heard tornado sirens in Chicago before. At first I thought it was just a fire station but it wouldn't stop blaring! After about twenty minutes, Aaron decided to go to bed and slept through the rest of the evening.

Today I got the letter my attoneys wrote to the Consulate stating we're providing the additional evidence they wanted and to please give Eduardo the benefit of the doubt. It's been 15 years! They even used small portions of some recommendations letters we submitted as part of Eduardo rehabilitation (Some excerpts from Bro. Zuniga my pastor and from Christiana my sister in law). I'll get an original court disposition tomorrow and off to the consulate the letter will go. Again we're still waiting for an answer, so please keep us in your prayers.

I wanted to thank my pastor Bro. Lupe Zuniga. On Sunday they picked up an offering for me to help with my immigration fees. I'm grateful to God, my pastor and the breathen from the church for this much much much needed help. Thank you!

Speaking of church I finally was able to post the pictures of the family camp. You can check them out here!


Amy G said...

Glad you guys survived the storm OK! We definitely should get together. It was too bad we missed you for the I2US get-together last spring. I'm praying CDJ gets their act together and accepts your latest bunch of paperwork and speeds things along for the waiver.

Somebody said...

Well I'm praying for you and it looks like you have a good lawyer; everyone speaks highly of Laurel. It's amazing how the judge wiped off the marijuana charge; that's great news!

I really wish you guys the best and you are in my prayers; keep the faith :)


P.S. You are blessed to have such good people to help you out in these hard times too.


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