In a recent IM conversation with my cousin, I started to wonder "has gift giving become an obligation?". Since when? I remember a time when gift giving wasn't an obligation and it wasn't something you did in order to see what you can get out of it.
Both my husband and I have large families. I'm talking huge! It's roughly around 35+ people (and those are only the ones that live in the same state as I do). My husband's family, it's right around 14 (and I'm excluding the cousins, aunts and uncles here).
I've always been a big fan of just doing a Christmas dinner and not exchanging gifts. Let's be realistic, you "can" in a sense purchase gifts for those 40+ people, but what's going to be your budget limit? 10 bucks? What kind of sucky gift are you planning to give?
About Me

- Bridget
- A lovely female who's currently living in Mexico with her husband and son. She has acquired a turtle and cat while in the process.
22 December 2004
Has gift giving become an obligation?
Posted by Bridget @ 10:53 AM 0 comments
20 December 2004
It's the holiday season... woopteedoo...
Aren't the holidays great? Let me take you through my holiday shopping day at Target. As I'm pulling in I find great parking right in front of the doors... nice!
As I walk through the doors, I head right over to get my shopping cart. When I pull out the first one....what the heck something's wrong with the wheel.... Let's put that one on the side and grab a second cart..... drat same deal :-/ My third cart, awww this one's a keeper. First stop, video/dvd/music. I'm not in the aisle 3 minutes when I realize, I have to tinkle. sigh.
After I duke it out with another cart, I'm heading down the aisle and I brace myself for the aisle of he**. The Toy Section. The good thing was I didn't have to deal with the toy section, I was done toy shopping. I was just amazed with the array of people in the toy section. Toys are everywhere. There whiny adults, whiny teens, whiny kids....the occasional screaming match between a couple about a toy. Quick! Let's leave this section now!
After I'm done collecting my much needed items (Diet Coke with Lime), I see/hear the lastest screaming match between another couple. The woman was yelling at her boyfriend, "Didn't I tell you blah blah blah!?!? #(*$#) #() @#$)) ($)#@$ %*."
I mean how can you respond to someone who is pretty much cussing you out? Sure you can cuss right back, but have you thought of perhaps, gee I don't know, belching? Because that's just what her boyfriend did. Belched right in her face as soon as she was done screaming at him. Shut her up quick.
So put that on your To Do List.
1. Belch at mom when she makes you clean your room
2. Belch at your teacher when asked "what the capital of Illinois?"
I'm sure it will work every time ;)
Posted by Bridget @ 5:55 PM 1 comments
13 December 2004
Sure I've almost abandoned this blog...
But goshdarnit, I won't let it die! Anyway, two months later and I finally have an update from immigration. They requested additional evidence from us which we provided to them. Here's their update:
Current Status: On December 8, 2004, we received your response to our request for evidence or information. It is taking between 15 and 30 days for us to process this kind of case. However because preliminary processing was complete, the remaining processing time will be less than the maximum stated in this message. You will receive a written decision on this case.
I'm actually very excited and hope I can explain this to you all. I'm going to use the example of filing out an application. You get your information already and you start filling out this blank application. About half way through it you realize, "Darn, I need some more information in order to finish this". So off you go on your merry way to get the information. After you have the information you continue where you left off.
That's how I see it with immigration. The first part of our application is done and now that they have the additional information they going to continue where they left off. So God willing my Eduardo will be homeend of next month or February! Hurray!
Posted by Bridget @ 5:48 PM 0 comments
08 October 2004
I can't believe it
My son is not going on this trip with me. All thanks the Mexican government. Come ya'll let's give them a big round of applause. Here's the deal I call to verify the flights and everything and then the airline tells me that I need a notarized letter from my husband giving me permission to take Aaron into Mexico. Of course I explain that my husband is IN Mexico thanks to Immigration!!!!!!!!! #()$*#E**(@N
There's no way around it. I'm so sad.
Posted by Bridget @ 5:36 PM 0 comments
01 October 2004
Overthinking again......
So I'm less then two weeks away from seeing Eduardo and amazed at how much I have gotten done. My first trip solo with my son and so I've been overpreparing you know. It should be very interesting.
So I got this great packing organizers from (I LOVE that website, makes me wish I traveled more often). This weekend I'm heading to Target to get some of those travel packs so I'm not lugging around huge bottles of shampoo/conditioner, etc.
I still haven't got the organizers, but I can't wait to pack! I'm such a loser! Remember my goal, 1 large suitcase, 1 carry one, 1 car seat, 1 toddler!
Posted by Bridget @ 1:54 PM 0 comments
28 September 2004
Hey it's an actual Immigration update!
So I decided that I wasn't going to check my husband application status online anymore. I said (in prayer), "Lord, I will not check his application online anymore and I'll just wait until You move Immigration". Because Lord knows, only a higher power can get those people to actually work!
Lo and behold today I get a call from my immigration lawyer telling me that INS has sent a notice to her asking for some evidence that Eduardo is really in Mexico. Blah!! So I've called Eduardo and gave him the lowdown on what we have to do.
What I find funny is that Immigration said we had a deadline of December 17th to get everything back to them. :-\ Right... I'm really going to wait until Dec to sent back this information. Let my husband come home, you ................... I'll stop right there.
So I've officially given Eduardo 2 weeks to give me as much information as he can. Two weeks because I'm heading over there to see him again with Aaron. Oh that's another thing. This is the first time I've venturing far into Mexico (Guadalajara), then before.
I've kinda always hung out at the border (El Paso, TX border). Needless to say, I'm doing this by myself with a 2 (almost 3) year old. That's kinda of scary. So I'm thinking of getting one of those bracelets that you would put around his wrist and then you put the other one on my wrist. Shoot! I don't want anyone stealing my kid!
My goal for this trip: 1 large suitcase and 1 backpack. That's it. I'll let you know how it goes!
Posted by Bridget @ 5:11 PM 0 comments
20 September 2004
So It's Sunday.....
Can anyone explain to me WHY malls close early on Sunday? That doesn't make any sense to me. It's still the weekend just they feel they have to close around 5 pm or 6 pm.
So I decided I want to go to H&M at the Woodfield Mall in Schuamberg, IL before I get on the expressway, I ask my sister to call and find out what time they closed. 6:00 pm! Grr!!!
So we ended up going to the HIP and after browsing the mall for like an hour we ended buying something at Target :-/
Oh well we'll give it a shot this coming weekend.
Posted by Bridget @ 10:57 AM 0 comments
27 July 2004
Just hanging around ... on meat hooks
Hi! We have nothing better to do but hang on meat hooks.
Can you kids get a life?
Posted by Bridget @ 12:13 PM 0 comments
08 July 2004
Chicago City Sticker
So I don't know how many of you wait until the last minute to get your city sticker, but I hate doing that. First the cost is $75 bucks. $75!!! I can use that money for some much needed chocolate.
Here's me last year, July 15th rolls around and d'oh I forgot to get my city sticker. To be honest I don't remember if I asked Eduardo to get or if I was supposed to get it. Anyway, it's July 15, 2003 and I realize I need to get my City Sticker.
What does that involved?? Me getting out of work, running to a ATM to get $80 out (like I have that money in my pocket, and you can only take out $80 - remember multiples of $20!), then I run to the Curreny Exchange and waiting in the Forever line to get it.
You know what else irks me? Trying to get the old city sticker off my windshield!! I've given up on that. So what's my point? Well this year I wanted to try something different. I get my notice in the mail about renewing the city sticker and I see it....... "order your City Sticker online!".
Ooo that's tempting!! So I bite the bullet and I order my city sticker online. It told me 7-15 days and guess what I STILL haven't gotten it. So I call Brett at the Clerk's office and he tells me that they'll assume responsiblity for the 1st time loss but if I decided to order my city sticker online next year and it gets lost then I have to fork over $75 again to get it. What? that makes no sense!
Posted by Bridget @ 3:01 PM 0 comments
Byeee, Byee
The 4th of July weekend went well. We had no need to go downtown for the fireworks, had plenty of them right in my own backyard.
It's amazing just how much of those fireworks fall off the truck. :-/ Anyway, I think the absolute best fireworks display, were the ones my sister had. haw! haw! $20 bucks well spent thanks to Target.
Either way my son loved them at first and after while was kinda of bored and said "byee" to all of us and headed inside with his grandpa. What a party pooper! :)
Everyone one my family members vowed to get some those fireworks that fall off the truck. :)
My future sister in law was here visiting from California and that was a lot of fun. No really it was! We get along great! Now as for my other in-laws, eh.
Posted by Bridget @ 2:54 PM 0 comments
01 July 2004
Oooo INS update!
I just got a letter from my wonderful lawyer and it was a confirmation letter from INS stating that they received our application on June 18th AND it takes 14-30 days to process!! Holy smokes! So I believe in the middle of July I can finally know when my hubby is coming home!!
Plus I have a phone number that I can call to get an update and I can even check on the web!
Posted by Bridget @ 11:11 AM 0 comments
Picking up girls at the gas station....
bad news but it DOESN'T WORK!!! I have never been so freaked out in my life then I was two days. Here I am with my son at the gas station trying to get air into my exercise ball (ya ya I know NOW it won't work) and some guy pulls up in his car right behind me and trys to make conversation. Then get this, he's telling me how he's seen me around before at this place and that place and I was thinking to myself, OMG do I have a stalker?
Where was my mace when I needed it.....
Posted by Bridget @ 11:08 AM 0 comments
28 June 2004
IMing Vs. Text Messaging...
I thought this was great article to follow-up to my IMing post (see below) Whoa, We Got To Much Time On Our Hands!
Now I can't, for the life of me, text message in less then a minute. Shoot, it takes me 5-7 minutes to text my sister 5 words! I think I'm getting better, I just need more people to text message.
Posted by Bridget @ 4:56 PM 0 comments
23 June 2004
You gotta love IM....
I was just talking to my sister Yoly about IM and how wonderful it is. It's not a like an phone call. It's unique.
For example with IM you ever notice those long delays in either writing to someone or replying to someone?
You see your buddy's online, do you HAVE to talk to him? Nah you don't have to. How about when you are talking to buddy and you have to get up go the bathroom. Does your buddy feel uncomfortable because he hasn't gotten a reply from you? Nah I bet he doesn't. Especially if you told him "brb I gotta go to the bathroom".
Ever tried that on the phone? Now THAT should be on your To Do list. You just can't have the long delayed replies on the phone, because it just gets awkward.
Let's compare:
IM: Buddy comes Online
You have two choices: IM him or just ignore him for now and talk to him later.
Phone: Your buddy calls you.
Do you have two choice? Unless you have caller id, you gotta answer the phone even if you don't want to talk to him right now.
IM: You and your buddy are chatting online and he says something like "Ya so that's what happened man" to which you reply "cool".
10-15 minutes can go by and neither one of you cares that the other hasn't written back to you.
Phone: You and your buddy are talking on the phone and he says something like "Ya so that's what happened man" to which you reply "cool".
Can you have the 10-15 minute delay? No way! I bet you 30 seconds would go by and one of you feels you have to say something!
Ahhh the joys of IM. You just gotta love it!
Posted by Bridget @ 2:15 PM 0 comments
22 June 2004
Ode To My Mac....
As much as I love computers, especially if they are my own, I have no problem fixing it. I mean it's your computer?? And if something's not working correctly, well you want to fix it and continue working it right?
Well that's me at least, but I can't stand working on the computers at work. I only know so much and I really really hate when they go down. When they do, people can't work and that means I can't work and that means nothing gets done. Then I'm getting "yelled" at about not getting my work done.
Why must I fix them, why why why!!
Posted by Bridget @ 3:24 PM 0 comments
18 June 2004
I'll just take some dirt from here...
I have to say Aaron does the cutest things. Yesterday he was determined to help me around the house. He finally understood the concept of a dustpan and nothing was going to stop him from using it.
So here I am sweeping around the house with Aaron running around with the dustpan. I swept around the plant I had and let Aaron pick up the dirt with the dustpan and watch him carefully carry the dustpan to the trash. Bravo!
However, after we were done, I'm plop myself on the sofa to watch tv. After about 6-7 minutes I don't hear a peep from Aaron. It's too quiet. And let me tell you, when a 2.5 year old isn't making SOME KINDA noise, he's up to something.
So I get up off the sofa and find him when I hear *crash* and some little feet scatter. As it turns out the "crash" was Aaron throwing the dust pan to the side because he heard me coming. Nice (note to self, get quieter slippers). While he's running to hide in the bedroom.... I turn the corner and see dirt from my house plant all over ther floor.
Turns out Aaron wanted to continue picking up the dirt with the dustpan.......and found that the plant had more then enough dirt in its pot, so it needed to share. :-|
Posted by Bridget @ 3:01 PM 0 comments
Do you want me to whip out my third arm?
Man I swear today hasn't not been a good day. I'm just trying not to let things frustrate me. Anyway, I want to look forward to tonight. I'm hanging out with my sister Yoly and I'm really craving a pizza!
Posted by Bridget @ 2:58 PM 0 comments
17 June 2004
On the road again....
I tell you that was probably the best vacation I ever had. Of course I will never drive to Mexico again. Especially not with a 2.5 year old. For the most part it was a lot of fun. I tell ya, you can never get too excited about seeing a rest area! And if it's a clean rest area .... Hot Dog! ..... You just hit the jackpot.
That reminds me, I was dying for 2 hours and I wanted to get my parents (who came along with me) to stop at the next rest area. After finally getting to one, I literally ran out of the car to the toilet. But alas, the door was locked and occupied.
5 - 10 minutes dangnabit what is the deal! Finally a lady comes out and says "it's literally an outhouse in there". Bwah? Then she says there was no toilet paper. Lady, you're killing me. So I run back to car to get toilet paper and back the bathroom and low and behold it was "literally an outhouse". :(
It's kinda like a port-o-potty but at least you know that eventually those get cleaned. So I thought how the heck do they clean this one. I don't even know how to describe it. I don't think I want to.
Posted by Bridget @ 9:42 AM 0 comments
10 June 2004
Geez, I can't even keep up my blog...
Back again. Just wanted to let know where things stood at this time. So far Eduardo has been in Mexico for a little over 5 months. Things are going well with him and to be honest he looks great. I'm happy to see that, I was afraid he was going to look like he was starving.
I just got back from a nice vacation over there. Two whole weeks, while the trip down there was a half a nightmare. Just like leaving Mexico was half a nightmare. I don't think I've ever been search by INS that many times in my life.
Good thing I had Aaron's birth certificate...more to follow.
Posted by Bridget @ 1:17 PM 0 comments