I have to say Aaron does the cutest things. Yesterday he was determined to help me around the house. He finally understood the concept of a dustpan and nothing was going to stop him from using it.
So here I am sweeping around the house with Aaron running around with the dustpan. I swept around the plant I had and let Aaron pick up the dirt with the dustpan and watch him carefully carry the dustpan to the trash. Bravo!
However, after we were done, I'm plop myself on the sofa to watch tv. After about 6-7 minutes I don't hear a peep from Aaron. It's too quiet. And let me tell you, when a 2.5 year old isn't making SOME KINDA noise, he's up to something.
So I get up off the sofa and find him when I hear *crash* and some little feet scatter. As it turns out the "crash" was Aaron throwing the dust pan to the side because he heard me coming. Nice (note to self, get quieter slippers). While he's running to hide in the bedroom.... I turn the corner and see dirt from my house plant all over ther floor.
Turns out Aaron wanted to continue picking up the dirt with the dustpan.......and found that the plant had more then enough dirt in its pot, so it needed to share. :-|
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