Hi! We have nothing better to do but hang on meat hooks.
Can you kids get a life?
About Me

- Bridget
- A lovely female who's currently living in Mexico with her husband and son. She has acquired a turtle and cat while in the process.
27 July 2004
Just hanging around ... on meat hooks
Posted by Bridget @ 12:13 PM 0 comments
08 July 2004
Chicago City Sticker
So I don't know how many of you wait until the last minute to get your city sticker, but I hate doing that. First the cost is $75 bucks. $75!!! I can use that money for some much needed chocolate.
Here's me last year, July 15th rolls around and d'oh I forgot to get my city sticker. To be honest I don't remember if I asked Eduardo to get or if I was supposed to get it. Anyway, it's July 15, 2003 and I realize I need to get my City Sticker.
What does that involved?? Me getting out of work, running to a ATM to get $80 out (like I have that money in my pocket, and you can only take out $80 - remember multiples of $20!), then I run to the Curreny Exchange and waiting in the Forever line to get it.
You know what else irks me? Trying to get the old city sticker off my windshield!! I've given up on that. So what's my point? Well this year I wanted to try something different. I get my notice in the mail about renewing the city sticker and I see it....... "order your City Sticker online!".
Ooo that's tempting!! So I bite the bullet and I order my city sticker online. It told me 7-15 days and guess what I STILL haven't gotten it. So I call Brett at the Clerk's office and he tells me that they'll assume responsiblity for the 1st time loss but if I decided to order my city sticker online next year and it gets lost then I have to fork over $75 again to get it. What? that makes no sense!
Posted by Bridget @ 3:01 PM 0 comments
Byeee, Byee
The 4th of July weekend went well. We had no need to go downtown for the fireworks, had plenty of them right in my own backyard.
It's amazing just how much of those fireworks fall off the truck. :-/ Anyway, I think the absolute best fireworks display, were the ones my sister had. haw! haw! $20 bucks well spent thanks to Target.
Either way my son loved them at first and after while was kinda of bored and said "byee" to all of us and headed inside with his grandpa. What a party pooper! :)
Everyone one my family members vowed to get some those fireworks that fall off the truck. :)
My future sister in law was here visiting from California and that was a lot of fun. No really it was! We get along great! Now as for my other in-laws, eh.
Posted by Bridget @ 2:54 PM 0 comments
01 July 2004
Oooo INS update!
I just got a letter from my wonderful lawyer and it was a confirmation letter from INS stating that they received our application on June 18th AND it takes 14-30 days to process!! Holy smokes! So I believe in the middle of July I can finally know when my hubby is coming home!!
Plus I have a phone number that I can call to get an update and I can even check on the web!
Posted by Bridget @ 11:11 AM 0 comments
Picking up girls at the gas station....
bad news but it DOESN'T WORK!!! I have never been so freaked out in my life then I was two days. Here I am with my son at the gas station trying to get air into my exercise ball (ya ya I know NOW it won't work) and some guy pulls up in his car right behind me and trys to make conversation. Then get this, he's telling me how he's seen me around before at this place and that place and I was thinking to myself, OMG do I have a stalker?
Where was my mace when I needed it.....
Posted by Bridget @ 11:08 AM 0 comments