Yesterday I received the official letter from Immigration informing me that Eduardo's pardon was denied. I don't want to go into too much details because I don't even know myself exactly what happened. I have requested a new appointment but I don't know how long that's going to take.
We're devestated and extremely sad for what has happened. I'll make the move with Aaron to Mexico on or before September of this year. Please keep us in your prayers. There's so much to get done before we go.
Take care... I wish I was telling more about our family vacation but I just don't have very much energy..
About Me

- Bridget
- A lovely female who's currently living in Mexico with her husband and son. She has acquired a turtle and cat while in the process.
26 April 2008
I am moving to Mexico...Eduardo's Visa was DENIED
Posted by Bridget @ 8:47 PM 0 comments
09 April 2008
Learning Life's Lessons...
My second life lesson was something I learned last week. LL#2: Just because you think you're right doesn't mean you are: I wrote an email that was started off with good intentions but didn't end that way. I was very critical of someone and some things that while I was learning LL2, LL3 was also learned. LL3# THINK before you say (and do)! I really regretted sending that email. I went up and apologized to the person it was sent to. Do you want details? Too bad, you're not getting any. I've been mortified enough already...ha!
Enough with lessons learned on to funnier things. Last week Aaron started a swim class. It's once a week on Tuesdays. The first day of class I felt my heart in my throat. Yesterday's class was no better. Aaron has been told to hold onto the wall while he's in the pool of course he doesn't listen.
He decided to let go of the wall and proceeds to drown. At this point Yoly (my sister) and I are screaming "MY KID/NEPHEW is drowning!". Thank God another kid manage to grab him and pull him back to the wall. Does this stop Aaron from doing it again? Nope he tries it 2 more times with the last two times he manages to float on his own. I think I gnawed of my nails to my knuckles. My mom said she was not coming anymore and Yoly agreed. Shoot, I don't feel like coming anymore because I get scared too easily! There are three trainers in the pool and Yoly's who are all trained in CPR. So God forbid somethings happens Aaron, he will be fine.
I certainly do not want to instill a fear of swimming in Aaron. But he's just like Eduardo, a little daredevil. The boy was ready to do a cannonball in the pool... he didn't even care that he did not know how to swim. Well I hope during our vacation Eduardo teaches him to swim and so when Aaron does go back to his swim class he's already a pro. I've decided that I have to learn how to swim. I'll get in the pool and walk around without any problems but *shiver* ...
1 day and 1/2 to go until Mexicooooooo!
Posted by Bridget @ 9:05 AM 0 comments
01 April 2008
We made it to April!
In Florida, an atheist became incensed over the preparation of Easter and Passover holidays. He decided to contact his lawyer about the discrimination inflicted on atheists by the constant celebrations afforded to Christians and Jews with all their holidays while atheist had no holiday to celebrate. The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the long passionate present ation by the lawyer, the Judge banged his gavel and declared, 'Case dismissed!'
The lawyer immediately stood and objected to the ruling and said, "Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and many other observances. Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah... yet my client and all other atheists have no such holiday!" The judge leaned forward in his chair and simply said, "Obviously, your client is too confused to even know about, much less celebrate his own atheists' holiday!"
The lawyer pompously said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any such holiday for atheists. Just when might that holiday be, your Honor?"
The judge said, "Well it comes every year on exactly the same date - April 1st! Since our calendar sets April 1st as 'April Fools Day," consider that Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, in my opinion, if your client says there is no God, then by scripture, he is a fool, and April 1st is his holiday! Now have a good day and get out of my courtroom!!"
Now how did April Fool's get started? WikiAnswers... well answers:
There are several explanations for the origin of the April fool's Day. But here is the most plausible one. April 1st was once New Year's Day in France. In 1582 Pope Gregory declared the adoption of his Gregorian calendar to replace the Julian calendar and new year's day was officially chance to January. First it took awhile for everyone in France to head the new of this major change and other obstinately refused to accept the new calendar so a lot of people continued to celebrate new year's day on the first of the April earning them the name April fools.
Posted by Bridget @ 7:16 AM 1 comments